The Dream Team
The Dream Team
is comprised of a group of disabled adults from Greenlight Workforce Development who, in collaboration with the Jefferson Community Development Corporation, are determined and committed to carrying out the vision and mission of the JCDC – Cultivating Lives Through Community. They come from various group homes and families and endeavor to learn life skills, work ethics, values, and teamwork. In 2021, during their first season, they successfully assisted with cultivating, nurturing, harvesting, and distributing produce from the JCDC’s Community Garden Project, where free food was provided for the community. They continue to provide effectual change and enhance families one life at a time.
Community Garden
Peggy Hall and John Peters harvesting potatoes from the Jefferson Community Garden
Peggy mowing grass under the supervision of Ken French and the observation of Ryan
Hard Work
Dream Team Worker Jerry working around the campus
The Dream Team assembled a popcorn machine for movie night for families in the community
Charity & Giving
Grandfathers and Fathers with gifts for their families
Volunteers and counting
Services and adding more soon
Team - the Dream Team